Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HELP! Art Jury pix

Not my usual post but I need help. In the process of applying to art shows. I need 4 photos representing my work. Personally, I would love a nice tight presentation but, unfortunately, I am all over the place right now. And the promoters of these shows can be total (insert your favorite derogatory obsenity here. My personal choice would be asses or dicks. But you use whatever you're comfortable with.) One can be tossed out of the show for having in one's booth work not represented by the application photos. So one tries to include it all. In my case, hand-painting, hand-dyeing, marbling, garments and accessories.

For the upcoming show, I need 4 pix. And here I have 5. Help me narrow it down. If there's something you love, let me know. Or it there's one you feel I must leave out, also let me know. Tactfully , if you can.

I need help. So go at it. Comment, comment, comment!!!

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